Search results for 'System Transformation Savings'
How to side-step HMRC penalties whilst aiming for a savings goal…
Last year our VAT specialists recovered an additional £60.3million of underclaimed VAT for regular NHS customers as well as a further £5.2million of missed underclaims found when we re-reviewed similar work carried out at NHS organisations by other advisory firms.

Embracing Technological Innovations to Enhance NHS Savings
Supporting the NHS is a journey of both reward and insight; helping trusts, health boards and systems to reduce agency spend, maximise savings, and prioritise patient safety.

A focus on flexible workforce spend realises savings of over £400,000
Within the region, the demand for services continues to grow, whilst budgets become increasingly tighter, an experience not exclusive to the South Yorkshire area. In order to provide high quality services, it has become increasingly necessary to ensure that all resources are used effectively and support the delivery of effective care.

How to realise financial savings to meet 2024/25 business planning goals
Liaison Financial Business Development Director, Melanie Dickson, discusses the challenges faced by Finance leaders across the NHS during 2024/25 business planning, and the solutions designed to support them…

The journey towards greater savings and self sufficiency with a locum bank
Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust was a long standing STAFFflow client of Liaison Workforce.
Recover immediate cash savings and reduce your financial deficit
Optimising and prioritising waiting lists and implementing new ways of working to deliver more elective care to tackle backlogs.
Recover immediate cash savings and reduce your financial deficit
Optimising and prioritising waiting lists and implementing new ways of working to deliver more elective care to tackle backlogs.
A proven track record in delivering substantial savings for reinvestment in healthcare