Would your NHS organisation benefit from additional sources of supply before using agency staff?

A staff bank solution that enables collaborative working, rate control, optimum resource utilisation, and the sharing of workforce resources in a controlled manner across a region.

A collaborative staff bank solution enabling cross-system working, which can be facilitated across an ICS or multiple NHS organisations. The solution supports increased flexibility for a changing workforce, and helps to realise cost savings through a lesser need for agencies, whilst also enabling greater workforce planning, and encouraging collaboration with neighbouring trusts.

  • Provides a second layer of supply before using agency staff
  • Worker compliance and availability management
  • Exceptional mobile app enabled experience

Solution Benefits

Increased flexibility for a changing workforce

Greater workforce planning

Collaborate with neighbouring trusts

Continuity of care

How Does it Work?

A collaborative staff bank is an effective way of enabling cross-system working across a region, and allows Integrated Care Systems to benefit from streamlined workforce management.

The NHS People Plan encourages organisations to use collaborative bank models to assist in recruiting and deploying staff across geographical areas. By improving the availability and deployment of the clinical workforce via a collaborative bank, to ensure that the right staff are available to patients at all times, patients experience a higher quality of care.

We have both the experience and expertise in supporting NHS organisations to effectively collaborate to deliver improvements in workforce planning and management. Our people, technology and data enable cross-system working, giving medical staff the flexibility to work across different organisations as well as facilitating the sharing of information such as HR records and statutory and mandatory training.

We’ve been successful in securing regional collaboration, not only in terms of addressing and harmonising pay rates, but also in improving the patient safety side. With some fifty percent of the doctors rotating around the region, we’re now using a workforce that is aware of how we operate within the region and the systems at the individual hospital trust sites. The collaborative bank ensures that we have doctors and dentists working at the level, specialty and competence that they have been trained to do within the NHS.

Linsey Richards

Head of Human Resources, Lead Employer Trust, Health Education England North East.

Featured Success Story: NHS Health Education England

We worked with the Lead Employer Trust (LET) for the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care System to develop Flexishift – an innovative collaborative bank service for Doctors in Training. Since 2017, the bank has expanded to include nine Trusts across the region, enabling passporting of workers and increasing flexibility for clinicians.

North East Collaborative Bank. Delivered.

Growing a medical collaborative bank for Doctors in Training.
Liaison Workforce
NHS Health Education England
NHS Success Stories…


Trusts belonging to collaborative banks in Northwest and Southwest England used a digital marketing support service to attract new candidates to their banks and saw a 197% increase in bank shifts filled.

NHS Success Stories…


We facilitated the launch of the Southwest Peninsula Collaborative bank, bringing together five NHS healthcare providers from across the Southwest of England.

NHS Success Stories…


Working with the Lead Employer Trust (LET), eight trusts now form part of the ‘Flexishift’ collaborative bank, with 1,055 doctors registered across 35 specialties. 

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