Liaison Care

Your trusted partner for health and care sector excellence

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Overcoming the challenges faced by the NHS; Active Solutions, Balancing the Books, Caring for Communities

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Integrated Care Boards

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About Us

Liaison Care is a true partner, providing the highest quality support via the most innovative commercial arrangements, making us both safe and easy to use. We are probably the fastest growing specialist service and management support organisation dedicated exclusively to the health and care sector. With a fabulous customer base and a commitment to excellence, we offer a wealth of experience to ICBs and Local Authorities across England and Wales.

Our experience includes:

  • Operational assessment and fieldwork services
  • Direct care delivery and the management of direct care
  • Middle, senior and director level management
  • Strategic and operational commissioning, and contract management
  • Data analytics and fiscal management
  • Strategic planning and programme management

Partner with Liaison Care for Excellence in Healthcare Management

Discover the difference that Liaison Care can make in optimising and enhancing your healthcare services. Partner with us and you will enjoy a commitment to quality, innovation, and a genuine focus of health and care delivery.

Our Expert Team

We have always believed that excellence in CHC involves providing a standardised and best-in-class service, so that individuals receive the same assessment outcome wherever they live and whoever they see. We know that can only truly be delivered through a highly skilled, trained and employed clinical workforce, and we have invested in that model since the start. We are a rapidly-growing and dynamic team of health and social care professionals, each with a diverse background and expertise gained across statutory, voluntary, and independent sector health and social care environments.

Our Services

At Liaison Care, we take pride in delivering unparalleled solutions tailored to meet your needs. Our commitment to excellence, innovation, and client satisfaction sets us apart, click below to find out more about one of our services.


Assessment and Review Services

Optimise CHC arrangements, mental health assessments, s117, joint funded packages of care and CYP continuing care.

Healthcheck Service

Evaluating and analysing the strengths and weaknesses of your healthcare system.

Assurance Service

Ensuring highest standards of decision making and cost control withing your ICS.

Enhanced Service

Designed for organisations seeking a transformative boost to their existing operations.

Analytics and Pathway Improvement

Gain a better understanding, implement effective solutions, and use data analysis to ensure continuous improvement in healthcare delivery.

Best Practice

Elevate your organisations standards through meticulous sampling and evaluation.

Transformation Services

Transformation support services to improve outcomes and impact on patient care.

What our partners say

“The foundation of any thriving relationship lies in the dedication to understanding and supporting each other, and one of the standout qualities of our collaboration is the consistent and effective communication we’ve maintained throughout the relationship. Regular updates, prompt responses, and a shared commitment to keeping each other informed have been instrumental in the delivery of our projects.”

Sally Dore

Assistant Director of Nursing and Quality, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB

“We enjoyed working with Liaison Care and the work completed adhered to all the quality levels and built solid foundations on which to work together. Regular communication developed a positive sharing culture and allowed for a smooth working process between us and the team.”

Paul Brown

Chief Financial Officer NHS Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent ICB

“The Dorset ICB team were professional and responsive. We were impressed with the quality of their work, and their operating processes were exemplary. It was a great example of a successful programme and the power of a true partnership approach.”

Kathrine Sherrington

Chief Operating Officer, Liaison Care

“Collaborative working from the start to mobilise the project was key to its successful delivery. It was one of the smoothest projects I have had the pleasure of co-designing and delivering.”

Sara McCarthy

Head of Continuous Improvement, Performance & Support, NHS Dorset

“In obtaining Liaison Care’s support for our joint funding reviews, we knew we would be gaining an extension to our in-house CHC team and were confident that they would act with our patients’ best interests in mind. We were delighted to see that their recommendations could also generate a £4million saving, and will be looking into these recommendations further as a team.”

Katie Collings

Continuing Healthcare Operations Manager, NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly ICB

“I have found it to be a great experience working with Liaison Care. I have felt very confident in their ability to manage the project. I have found them to be knowledgeable, responsive and capable.”

Sakine Bi

CCG Lead at Oxford

“The project has given several bonus benefits such as joint organisational learning, evidenced mapping of where our own educational training programmes can be focused in the immediate future and an assurance process in terms of an external benchmark of our team’s CHC decision threshold. This provides ongoing benefits and organisational assurances after the close of the project as well as the intended outcome of up-to-date quality reviews, so we are organisationally assured that each individual is receiving the right care to meet their current needs.”

Head of CHC Commissioning, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board

“While working with Liaison, my task has been reviewing clinical assessments to ensure that the work contracted by the ICB is of high quality. I have found assessments to be thorough, well-written and comprehensive, providing a clear picture of the patient’s condition and needs. The assessment captures all the necessary information needed to make a clinical judgement on changes in the care package and presenting health needs. This task, along with the assistance of Liaison, has enabled the ICB to ensure that individuals receive customised care, which in turn, helps to maintain or improve their health outcomes. Additionally, it provides ICB with the assurance of efficiency and cost-effectiveness.”

Jennifer Khuweis

Learning Disabilities and Mental Health Clinical Lead, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB

“After completing spot quality assurance checks, I have been very pleased with the high standard of work provided. There is clearly a consistent approach amongst your team, which has made my role in this simple and enjoyable. Each review has been detailed, displayed strong clinical understanding and reports have been well written. Recommendations following the reviews have been clinically justified and display a sound understanding of the eligibility criteria. The consistency in quality is greatly appreciated by our team and provides peace of mind that our clients are receiving thorough reviews.”

Sameena Turner

Practice Development Nurse/Complex Cases Team Cambridge and Peterborough Integrated Care System

“I just wanted to share with you that your review of needs has already made such a difference to an individual.
Your practitioner noted a need for footcare assistance and they not only provided support in securing the necessary appointment, they made a further difference to the individual by securing training for [nursing home] staff.”

Executive Director of Strategy and Partnerships
Midlands Region

Talk to a Liaison Care Expert

Our Liaison Care Experts are here to help, please get in touch below. 

If you are the individual, a family member, or a chosen representative of the individual and would like to enquire about your review, please speak to your assessor directly or you can contact us on 08001 30 31 32 or click here to email us.