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case study | Liaison financial

Overseas private Patients – Saudi Scheme Review

Prior to the government enforcing mandatory NHS contributions for Saudi Arabian nationals residing in the UK (2015), most of the medical treatment (excluding trauma and obstetrics) received by Saudi nationals in the UK was from private Healthcare organisations.

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10/07/2020 Blog, COVID-19, Financial, Homepage... blog

Temporary reduced-rate VAT measures announced for catering and accommodation

20/08/2018 News... blog

VAT Treatment of Portacabins and Modular Buildings

27/03/2020 Blog, COVID-19, Latest blog posts, ... blog

Government announces 3-month VAT freeze for businesses amid Covid-19 pandemic

09/11/2018 Blog, Latest blog posts... blog

21st Century Tax – the quirks of HMRC VAT codes around technology and animal cages.

13/08/2018 Latest News, News... blog

New NHS supply chain model – greater transparency on VAT

21/09/2021 Blog, Financial, Latest blog posts,... blog

Introducing our new private Patients Optimisation service

Liaison Financial have launched a new private Patients Optimisation service, which can increase your private Patient income by up to 20%.

Embracing Technological Innovations to Enhance NHS Savings
10/01/2024 ... blog

Embracing Technological innovations to Enhance NHS Savings

Supporting the NHS is a journey of both reward and insight; helping trusts, health boards and systems to reduce agency spend, maximise savings, and prioritise patient safety.

30/04/2019 Blog, Latest blog posts... blog

COS VAT assessments – Tribunal confirms the right to independent review and right of appeal

In this important case the Tribunal has confirmed that the NHS does have the right to statutory review and appeal to the Tax Tribunal.

11/10/2018 Latest News, News... blog

Liaison Financial finds £5.2million for NHS to reinvest into healthcare in 2018 VAT Reviews