Liaison Group signs Good Recruitment Charter

22 April 2020

Liaison Group

Liaison Group are proud to have signed up to be part of the Good Recruitment Campaign, and official signatories for the Good Recruitment Charter.

The Good Recruitment Campaign helps organisations benchmark their current recruitment methods and reinvigorate their strategies in order to attract the right candidate. For candidates, being a part of the campaign assures those interested in applying for roles that the organisation is committed to resourcing the right way and providing positive candidate experiences.

The Good Recruitment Charter defines good recruitment practice through key principles that the organisations who sign up to the charter aim to aspire to, including:

  • Acting fairly, legally and ethically in resource planning and recruitment procedures
  • Offering flexible working arrangements and adaptive working practices, wherever possible, as a way of boosting inclusion and attracting talent.
  • Asking that those managing and delivering the recruitment process (whether internal staff or external providers) work to recognised standards, undertake any relevant training/qualification, and commit to continuous development.
  • Regularly reviewing recruitment procedures with feedback from candidates (those appointed and not appointed) and staying up to date with new recruitment and resourcing approaches.

Corinne Spillane, Group HR Business Partner at Liaison Group, says: “We are delighted to have become a part of the Good Recruitment Campaign, and are happy to pledge our commitment in continuing to develop and improve our recruitment process for the benefit of both the company and all those interested in working with us both now and in the future.”

To view Liaison Group’s current vacancies, please visit our recruitment pages, or find out more about the Good Recruitment Campaign here.