Clearing the CHC Backlog – Ensuring Quality and Avoiding Compromise

3 December 2020

Liaison Care

With an estimated 25,000 deferred assessments waiting to be completed across England, we know that many CCGs are now beginning to make real headway in their plans for removing CHC COVID backlogs ahead of the deadline set by NHSEI of 31st March 2021.

Some, though, are expressing concerns that due to the nature and intensity of this work, and the reliance on agency staff and other suppliers, there could potentially be unwelcome compromises in the quality of the assessments and the robustness of the decisions made.

The Liaison Care Quality Reviews package has been designed with the sole aim to give assurance to CCGs and local authorities (LA). Our work ensures that the standard of the deferred assessments and the robustness of the decision making, whether by in-house staff, third parties or agencies is maintained at the consistent, high standard all sides would expect.

We offer these reviews early in the recovery process to assure CCGs that the decision to award CHC is robust and evidenced based. For patients who are not eligible for CHC, our report can be used to inform any subsequent appeal or dispute.

Another valuable element of our reports would be recommended changes to ways of working, improving future processes both internally within a CCG and with their partners/agencies.

To find out more about our Care Quality Reviews and how they can help assure the quality of your CHC reviews whilst you are tackling the backlog of cases, please get in touch at [email protected]. Alternatively, follow us on LinkedIn for details on a new community launching soon that will provide the latest news, insights and discussion from the health and social care space.