Search results for 'NHS At Work'

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08/05/2024 page | Liaison workforce

NHS At Work Rota

NHS At Work Demo
09/04/2024 page | Liaison workforce

NHS At Work Demo

Book your NHS At Work Demo with one of our experts

09/04/2024 page | Liaison care

what we do

08/11/2022 page | Liaison care

CHC framework

NHS Continuing Healthcare means a package of ongoing care that is arranged and funded solely by the NHS where the individual has been found to have a ‘primary health need’ as set out in the national framework for NHS Continuing Healthcare and NHS-funded Nursing Care. CHC Backlog | Retros

09/04/2024 page | Liaison care

I work for the ICB

NHS Confederation
14/06/2023 Event

NHS confederation

03/11/2022 page | Liaison workforce

NHS At Work Rota & Roster

An integrated, and app-enabled, rota and roster solution designed and owned by the NHS, built to NHSei specifications with advanced technology, and available for all staff groups.

VAT from Scratch
06/01/2023 Event

vAT from scratch

VAT from Scratch
18/05/2023 Event

vAT from scratch

VAT from Scratch
19/10/2023 Event

vAT from scratch