Liaison Wins Best Business Award

16 October 2018

Liaison Group was named winner of Best Customer Focus category at the 2018 Best Business Awards.

Liaison Group has 30 years’ experience of working with the NHS and finds around £100million of cost savings for its NHS customers per annum.  The business has a deep knowledge of the temporary workforce, tax and financial areas and a developing knowledge of the effective use of the substantive workforce.

The BBAs pride themselves on having a large panel of independent expert judges who select winners according to strict criteria for each category and sector.

Continuous development and consultation with its NHS customers led Liaison Group to deliver an NHS specific temporary workforce management service.

NHS trusts and boards use Liaison Workforce from the beginning to the end of the temporary staffing process, enabling control at every stage, from rostering and vacancy release to payment; and can include staff sourced from a trust’s own bank, another trust bank or an agency.

In figures Liaison Workforce:

-helped clients deliver temporary staffing cost savings of £26M last year which can be used to invest in front-line –patient care services

-and 87% of clients are satisfied or very satisfied with Liaison Workforce’s services – consistently achieve rating in excess of 85%

Commenting on Liaison Group, the winner in the Best Customer Focus category, the chairman of the judges said: “Congratulations to Liaison Group for saving our health service hundreds of millions of pounds a year in missed cost savings. Liaison Workforce is an invaluable supplier to the NHS and the length of its service from 1988 proves the strength of the partnership. Liaison Workforce is constantly working on new services for the NHS and its workforce management service is making massive savings. It’s wonderful to see a company make a big difference to society and save money ensuring that more of the NHS budget is spent on front-line medical services.”

Upon receiving the Award, Liaison Group’s CEO Andrew Armitage said: “I’d like to thank our dedicated staff for helping us achieve this award.  Our investment in our people really makes the difference to the passion and drive we demonstrate through our customer service.  Liaison Group is built on the values of intelligence, care, hard work and honesty – and this is reflected in the way that we develop our people.”