Search results for 'tempre'

ADE Savings. Delivered.
Agency Direct Employment (ADE) project success.

Implementing an effective Agency Rate Harmonisation project

Robotics solution streamlines automation
University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust required a solution which allowed them to automate the process of creating shifts in TempRE directly from their e-rostering system.The NHS interoperability agenda has seen the creation of standards that will be adopted nationally across the NHS by all vendors and will also be included as an obligation in the new Model Contract.

Hywel Dda delivers rapid cost savings on AHP agency spend using data to drive agency sourced employment
In its first year of using Liaison Workforce’s TempRE service for AHPs, Hywel Dda University Health Board increased agency direct employment take up by 150% and saved £148,633.

Embracing Technological Innovations to Enhance NHS Savings
Supporting the NHS is a journey of both reward and insight; helping trusts, health boards and systems to reduce agency spend, maximise savings, and prioritise patient safety.

Supporting a committed trust to become a recognised leader in controlling agency spend
Liaison Workforce has been working with Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust in managing agency locum bookings and keeping rates under NHS Improvement rate cap levels using its TempRE workforce service.

Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust –achieving a 40% reduction in medical locum spend in 12 months
Within 12 months, Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust achieved an overall reduction in their medical locum spend of over 40% and a decrease in rates by more than 20%, year on year, through reduction in consultant core rates, consultant unsocial rates and staff grade core rates.

Umbrella vs PAYE Calculator
This simplified calculator is designed to help temporary NHS workers estimate the differences in their final payslip when switching from an umbrella company paying PAYE to being paid directly as a PAYE worker by an NHS trust or health board.