Search results for 'Agency Spend Reduction'

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30/04/2021 Blog, COVID-19, Homepage, Latest bl... blog

More than £1.7billion spent on agency staff by NHS trusts in first three-quarters of 2020-21

02/03/2020 Blog, Latest blog posts, Latest New... blog

Liaison Workforce supports trusts in transforming locum spend as report reveals annual spend on top ten locums could pay salaries of 43 consultants

case study | Liaison workforce

Agency Direct Employment (ADE) project sees £3.4million achieved in savings

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case study | Liaison workforce

Hull University Teaching Hospitals transform temporary staffing spend

Hull University Teaching Hospitals is the largest employer in the Hull and East Yorkshire region.

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case study | Liaison care

Review on one-to-one care reduces overspending and improves patient outcomes

Oxford CCG found that there was a noticeable increase in additional one-to-one care packages given out in the Oxford area, which led to a review to explore the reasons for and solutions to the sharp rise in provision.

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case study | Liaison care

Review on one-to-one care reduces overspending and improves patient outcomes

Oxford CCG found that there was a noticeable increase in additional one-to-one care packages given out in the Oxford area, which led to a review to explore the reasons for and solutions to the sharp rise in provision.

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05/12/2018 Blog, News... blog

How agency direct employment could save NHS Scotland more than just a pretty penny by also recruiting and retaining temporary staff workers.

<strong>Staffing is one of the big issues keeping NHS leaders awake at night – and it consumes two-thirds of trusts’ spending.</strong>
08/02/2023 insight | Liaison Group

Staffing is one of the big issues keeping NHS leaders awake at night – and it consumes two-thirds of trusts’ spending.

The HSJ has revealed a major u-turn in the planned operating model for procurement and the supply chain. NHS Supply Chain has announced that it will bring the management of all clinical procurement categories in-house by May 2023, with only non-clinical to remain outsourced.

03/11/2022 page | Liaison workforce


mii Bank uses your workforce to fill extra shifts by building a bank of workers. Once vacant shifts are made available, they can be filled with bank workers before releasing vacancies to your chosen agencies for the most cost-effective supply.

03/09/2018 Latest News, News... blog

Agency staff