Liaison - Blogs

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22/04/2020 post | Liaison Group

Construction reverse charge

22/04/2020 post | Liaison Group

NHS digital passport scheme being accelerated to meet the challenges of Covid-19 workforce needs

22/04/2020 post | Liaison Group

Liaison Group signs Good Recruitment Charter

20/04/2020 post | Liaison Group

HMRC places temporary hold on VAT compliance reviews

15/04/2020 post | Liaison Group

NHS workforce solution: Covid-19 testing to increase to decrease workforce absence

09/04/2020 post | Liaison Group

Returning NHS workers targeted by tax avoidance schemes

08/04/2020 post | Liaison Group

Maximising VAT savings for NHS coronavirus donations

07/04/2020 post | Liaison Group

HMRC announces measures to ease the burden of submitting VAT returns during the COVID-19 pandemic.

02/04/2020 post | Liaison Group

750,000 people apply to become NHS volunteers

01/04/2020 post | Liaison Group

Government announces removal of import VAT on COVID-19 essential medical supplies and protective equipment