Liaison - Case Studies

Digitising lateral flow testing
In 2021, Stockport NHS Foundation Trust partnered with Liaison Workforce to digitise its lateral flow tests, a key element in the ongoing management of Covid-19 at the Trust.

VATflow Success Story – High value consultancy project with a different approach
The Trust had a number of high value managed service contracts with many different suppliers, some of which had been in place for a number of years.

VATflow Service Success
NHS bodies are expected to complete Partial Exemption (PEX) and Business Activities (BA) adjustments as a requirement from HMRC.

A focus on flexible workforce spend realises savings of over £400,000
Within the region, the demand for services continues to grow, whilst budgets become increasingly tighter, an experience not exclusive to the South Yorkshire area. In order to provide high quality services, it has become increasingly necessary to ensure that all resources are used effectively and support the delivery of effective care.

CHC Invoice Validation Reviews
A collaboration of CCGs in the south of England have realised savings of over £820,000 from Liaison Financial’s CHC Invoice Validation Reviews.

£480,000 saving for North East Collaboration
The North East Collaboration has gained back over £480,000 from overcharges, identified and recovered by Liaison Financial’s CHC Invoice Validation Reviews.

Achieving savings of over £305,000 via CHC Invoice Validation and AP Duplicates Reviews

Bank developed at the speed to support Covid-19 vaccination rollout
With the Covid-19 vaccination rollout beginning, NHS Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group (Cheshire CCG) required an inventive option quickly for managing the vaccination workforce.