Blended Services
Our blended service offering has been developed to address clinical and management support needs. A unique offering, which delivers both clinical support as a service, and follow-up reporting to ensure that client processes are optimised for the provision’s long term improvement.

Joint Funding Packages of Care
Engaging our expansive team of CHC experts, Liaison Care can provide recommendations from Joint Funding reviews, which are those funded by both the NHS and Local Authority.
The reviews consider eligibility for the continuation of a joint funded arrangement, or consideration of NHS CHC eligibility via the Decision Support Tool being undertaken by a multidisciplinary team.
Our reviews focus on the needs of the individual, and follow the National Framework which provides a valid, reliable, consistent, and logical assessment sequence, enabling the identification of a primary health need and eligibility for NHS CHC.
To find out more about the support that Liaison Care can provide for your CHC reviews, please get in touch at info@liaisongroup.com

One to One Reviews
Ordinarily, one to one care and support is provided to maintain patient safety, avoid harm, and/or promote an individual’s independence. It is frequently used as an additional element to a standard package of care, which may be short- or long-term, or applied intermittently.
It includes close supervision and/or observation of an individual, which must not be restrictive or lead to deprivation of liberty without lawful agreement.
However, while one to one care is frequently instigated, there may be difficulties in having it reviewed regularly. Where this is the case, Liaison Care can help.
Reviews should be evidenced as being required to minimise the likelihood of harm, and/or promoting the achievement of an agreed goal or outcome. Short-term arrangements shouldn’t be in place for longer than is necessary, and all arrangements should present comprehensive evidence of need and/or benefit, as any overly restrictive and obtrusive care can exacerbate the needs and anxieties of an individual.
Where it has been commissioned, any one to one care should also be consistently supplied. The average cost of a one to one arrangement is £2,400 per week. Therefore, where it cannot be reliably delivered or is not required at a restrictive level, one to one arrangements can be substituted with less restrictive options that enhance wellbeing and provide a therapeutic environment, at considerably less cost.
For both the benefit of the individual, as well as the care providers and NHS or Local Authority, it is important that one to one care is reviewed on a regular basis. Liaison Care can provide the necessary support to ensure that this is done to the expected standards of all involved.

Quality and Efficiency Reviews
Our Review activity provides insight into the consistency of eligibility decisions across an Integrated Care System, providing assurance and indications of variation.
Review cycles generate both spend- and quality-driven efficiency savings, ensuring that both short- and long-term optimisation can be achieved to benefit your overall service.
Talk to a Liaison Care Expert
Our Liaison Care Experts are here to help, please get in touch below.
If you are the individual, a family member or a chosen representative of the individual and would like to enquire about your review please speak to your assessor directly or you can contact us on 08001 30 31 32 or click here to email us.