You can now register for our VAT Conference series, taking place in October and November 2024.
This year, we are hosting two face to face conferences – England VAT Conference in London on Thursday 10th October and Scotland VAT Conference in Stirling on Thursday 14th November. These conference will be hosted by our Head of Tax Services, Kenny Lee.
These CPD accredited conferences will feature a number of interactive workshops allowing you to learn new topics or refresh your skills, network with others, and pose questions to our expert VAT advisors.
Not only that but we also have Raffle prizes, games and NHS VAT awards!
For all or VAT conferences, Kenny and his team will cover a range of topics, from refreshers on VAT rules to capital and procurement.
We are offering you the opportunity to attend two workshops. Take a look at the overview of each of the workshops on offer to help with your selection.
Registration Guidance
Liaison Financial VATplus and VATflow Client Registration
If you are a Liaison Financial VATplus or VATflow client, you can register for our VAT Conference Series free of charge.
Non-client NHS Organisation Registration
If you aren’t a Liaison Financial VATplus or VATflow client, you can register our VAT Conference Series for a fee of £95.00 per delegate.
Non-NHS Organisation Registration
If you are a non-NHS Organisation and would like to attend one of our VAT Conferences, you can do so by getting in touch with Beth McKay. Please note that there is a fee of £299 per delegate for non-NHS Organisations.
Our VAT Conferences
England VAT Conference
Thursday 10th October 2024
Thistle Marble Arch Hotel, London
Scotland VAT Conference
Thursday 14th November 2024
The Barracks, Stirling