Search results for 'NHS At Work'
Free car parking – the impact on vAT recovery and income
Liaison Group Awarded Payroll Giving platinum Award 2023
Liaison Group has been awarded with the Payroll Giving platinum Award 2023, which is given in recognition of the organisation’s commitment in fostering a culture of philanthropy and committed giving in the workplace, by promoting Payroll Giving to the highest standard.
NHS could cash in £85million with the ‘bank first’ approach to locum recruitment.
Taking the temperature report shows annualised savings of £85 million by switching recruiting all locums to ‘bank’.
Group -NHS Procurement Conference and Excellence in Supply Awards- Midlands Region
North East collaborative Bank. Delivered.
Reducing medical agency spend by 20%.
TempRE bank/collaborative Bank: It’s more than just an App
Liaison Workforce - TempRE bank/collaborative Bank
The vital role of the voluntary sector for ICS integration
Lord Victor Adebowale, Chair of the NHS confederation, has written on the essential role the voluntary sector can play in enabling the successful integration of ICSs within the NHS.
Financial NPASS estates & Facilities Review Case Study
The Liaison Retrospective Invoice Review of estates and Facilities is designed to assist Directors of estates and Facilities in meeting their allocated Trust savings targets. Its purpose is to identify and generate real savings and/or cost avoidance, whilst retaining a critical service function in support of the delivery of frontline clinical care.
what did we learn from the suspension of Continuing Healthcare during the pandemic, and what must we do next?
CHC strategic and Clinical Director at Liaison Care, looks at the lessons learned from the suspension of Continuing Healthcare during the Covid-19 pandemic, and what steps we should look at take next to progress the service.