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Personalised follow-ups at Norfolk and Norwich saves 29,000 outpatients appointments in one year
01/01/2024 ... blog

Personalised follow-ups at Norfolk and Norwich saves 29,000 outpatients appointments in one year

Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has avoided over 29,000 unnecessary outpatients appointments in one year by digitising PIFU with Infinity Health and DrDoctor.

18/09/2023 page | Liaison group

Group – HFMA Y&H QR CODE 21/09/23

27/10/2023 page | Liaison group

Group – Gateshead Awards 03/11/24

case study | Liaison workforce

Predictive Workforce Analytics: understanding key workforce trends

Stockport NHS Foundation Trust has been working in partnership with Liaison Workforce since 2013 – successfully decreasing temporary worker spend via a tech-enabled in house bank, and reducing the reliance upon agency whilst improving visibility of overall spend, as set out within the NHS People Plan.

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16/10/2018 Latest News, News... blog

Report Shows Rise Of Temporary ‘Bank’ Workers In The NHS And Highlights A £92 Million Potential Saving From A ‘Bank First’ Approach

10/06/2020 Blog, COVID-19... blog

Importing blood, research substances and animals: HMRC releases new guidance in response to COVID-19

20/07/2020 Blog, COVID-19, Homepage, Latest bl... blog

“Continued Lack of Long-Term Investment in People and Training” in NHS, Public Accounts Committee Says

26/02/2019 Blog, Latest blog posts... blog

Banking on a contingent workforce: Almost a third of NHS england trusts now employ temporary workers via a medical bank, and they’re reaping the benefits.

29/11/2018 Blog, Latest blog posts... blog

The rise of banks continues – as standard placement continues to fall

06/04/2018 Blog, Latest blog posts... blog

COS heading 14 news  – HMRC to change guidance and HMRC’s decision on ScriptSwitch VAT recovery reversed