Complex CHC Reviews. Delivered.

Supporting collaboration in review of Complex Learning Disability Individuals

106 cases reviewed for Complex Learning Disability Individuals

Over 70 cases recommended as no longer requiring health funding

£9.5m identified in recommended reductions

The Challenge

Complex Learning Disability Cases had been managed by the Local Authority on behalf of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Commissioning Board (ICB) through a pooled budget for many years.

These cases were not being routinely reviewed, and there was pressure from Local Authority partners for an increase in ICS funding to the pooled arrangement.

Liaison Care was commissioned as a ‘trusted partner’ to undertake these reviews which aimed to provide both partners with contemporaneous health needs assessments, up to date care and support plans, and aligning of the correct responsible commissioner and funding.

The Solution

Following the National Framework Review process and practice guidelines, our teams determined ongoing eligibility for CHC, collaborating with individuals, representatives, and providers to deliver new or updated Care and Support Plans built around need.

Our team committed significant clinical and administrative resource to the reviews and DST process, ensuring that individuals and representatives were involved, engaged and listened to.

Benefit to ICB

Our experts identified recommendations to improve care delivery and oversight, including the management of Direct Budgets, Personal Health Budgets, Provider Commissioning, and Financial Management.

Opportunities for the ICB and LA to improve oversight of individuals within the pooled budget were also noted, with all individuals now having up-to-date health needs assessments and being aligned to the correct Responsible Commissioner and the associated funding streams.

A full-year of NHS cost reduction of over £9.5m was recommended, and we continue routine CHC case reviews as the ICB recruits additional staff to meet service demands.

After completing spot quality assurance checks, I have been very pleased with the high standard of work provided. There is clearly a consistent approach amongst your team, which has made my role in this simple and enjoyable. Each review has been detailed, displayed strong clinical understanding and reports have been well written. Recommendations following the reviews have been clinically justified and display a sound understanding of the eligibility criteria. The consistency in quality is greatly appreciated by our team and provides peace of mind that our clients are receiving thorough reviews.

Sameena Turner

Practice Development Nurse/Complex Cases Team Cambridge and Peterborough Integrated Care System

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NHS Cambridge & Peterborough ICB


Complex cases in need of re-reviews


Reviews of Complex Learning Disability Individuals