Search results for 'NHS VAT'

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VAT from Scratch - June
06/06/2024 Event

VAT from Scratch – June

17/07/2020 Blog, COVID-19, Financial, Homepage... blog

In-depth look at latest VAT updates

VAT on Income - January
04/01/2024 Event

VAT on Income – January

19/03/2021 Blog, COVID-19, Latest blog posts, ... blog

The NHS Workforce: Humans After All

case study | Liaison financial

VATflow Service Success

NHS bodies are expected to complete Partial Exemption (PEX) and Business Activities (BA) adjustments as a requirement from HMRC.

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NHS Supplier Event 2024
21/02/2024 Event

NHS Supplier Event 2024

03/11/2021 Liaison Workforce, Workforce... blog

Tools to help tackle the NHS backlog

21/01/2020 Blog, Liaison, News... blog

Liaison Financial launches online VAT training for NHS organisations

15/11/2023 page | Liaison financial

VAT Conference – Virtual

NHS Trust wins car parking VAT battle at Court of Appeal
27/02/2024 ... blog

NHS Trust wins car parking VAT battle at Court of Appeal

The Court of Appeal has today (Tuesday 27th February) issued a landmark ruling on Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust’s case against VAT being due on income from car parking income.