Liaison - Blogs

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03/09/2018 post | Liaison Group

Agency staff

30/08/2018 post | Liaison Group

Could the NHS save over £10million per year on consultants by growing their own staff banks?

27/08/2018 post | Liaison Group

Healthcare income via commercial entities

21/08/2018 post | Liaison Group

Liaison Report Offers Insight into NHS Temporary Staff Spend

20/08/2018 post | Liaison Group

Tackling Sport in Tanzania

20/08/2018 post | Liaison Group

VAT Treatment of Portacabins and Modular Buildings

13/08/2018 post | Liaison Group

New NHS supply chain model – greater transparency on VAT

06/08/2018 post | Liaison Group

Bad Debt Relief – confusion concerning timing of adjustments 

03/08/2018 post | Liaison Group

The VAT Treatment of Income from Overseas Patients

03/08/2018 post | Liaison Group

Finalists at the Excellence in Supply Awards 2018