Liaison - Blogs

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01/04/2020 post | Liaison Group

Constructive agency partnerships requested to support Covid-19 temporary staffing levels

31/03/2020 post | Liaison Group

Digital Passports to assist NHS workforces to be redeployed in Covid-19 staffing challenge

31/03/2020 post | Liaison Group

Digital Passports to assist NHS workforces to be redeployed in Covid-19 staffing challenge

27/03/2020 post | Liaison Group

Temporary roles to tackle Covid-19 offered to redundant NHS staff

27/03/2020 post | Liaison Group

Government announces 3-month VAT freeze for businesses amid Covid-19 pandemic

26/03/2020 post | Liaison Group

Supporting NHS workforces in the wake of Covid-19

25/03/2020 post | Liaison Group

Relying on locums “not sustainable” for the future, MP says

04/03/2020 post | Liaison Group

Liaison Group Awarded Best Return on Customer Service Investment

03/03/2020 post | Liaison Group

A proven track record in delivering substantial savings for reinvestment in healthcare

02/03/2020 post | Liaison Group

Liaison Workforce supports trusts in transforming locum spend as report reveals annual spend on top ten locums could pay salaries of 43 consultants