Liaison - Blogs

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21/08/2020 post | Liaison Group

Best Return on Customer Service Investment: Five Months On

20/08/2020 post | Liaison Group

Volunteers and the NHS workforce

18/08/2020 post | Liaison Group

Liaison Group invests in healthcare task management platform

14/08/2020 post | Liaison Group

What will ‘good’ look like in Continuing Healthcare, following COVID-19?

13/08/2020 post | Liaison Group

117 trusts to share £300m fund to upgrade A&E facilities

10/08/2020 post | Liaison Group

Do we understand the analytics data quality challenges?

05/08/2020 post | Liaison Group

Do we understand the value and purpose of our People Analytics?

30/07/2020 post | Liaison Group

NHS England publishes the NHS People Plan, prioritising bank staff before agency options

30/07/2020 post | Liaison Group

Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Foundation Trust – decision of the Upper Tier Tribunal (UTT)

28/07/2020 post | Liaison Group

Hospitals Spent £6.2billion on Agency and NHS Bank Staff in 2019-20