ADE Savings. Delivered.

Agency Direct Employment (ADE) project success.

£3.4million in ADE savings

95% ADE utilisation achieved

The Challenge

In July 2023, North East London NHS Foundation Trust were keen to begin an Agency Direct Employment (ADE) and efficiency savings project, with the aim of increasing their ADE engagement and compliance.

In turn, it was anticipated that this would increase savings at the Trust, reduce missed savings and result in better agency provider management.

The Solution

Liaison Workforce provided best practice TempRE training on how to book ADE agency workers. A project plan was issued with a monthly meeting booked.

Liaison issued the Trust’s ADE Mandate to all agencies to confirm that all future agency workers provided to the Trust must be ADE. Reporting was provided to highlight all standard placement workers, shift length, and cost for the Trust to target.

Standard Placement Alerts were set up to notify when any new standard placement bookings were made and the tools and processes to manage Agency Direct Employment and Standard Placement Bookings were provided.

Liaison trained all Trust agency bookers through our ‘Liaison Academy’ which highlights best practice, what to watch out for, and how to negotiate with agencies to ensure that any future cost is kept to a minimum.

The Outcomes

Achieved ADE savings of £3.4m.

ADE utilisation of 95%.

Increase of utilisation and savings, and a decrease in missed savings.

ADE Mandate issued to all agencies.

Reports and alerts issued to the Trust.

Training provided to ensure ongoing best practice.

Ongoing support and compliance of ADE from agency partners.

Working with Liaison has revolutionised the way we manage and book our agency staff. TheTempRE technology and dedicated support have transformed our processes, bringing us transparency, control, and efficiency.

The system has empowered us to make informed choices, ensuring full compliance is in place, and manage our temporary workforce in-house, supporting us with our agency reduction plan and giving us greater control over our staffing needs.

Gillian Mead

Temporary Staffing Booking and Transformation Manager, North East London NHS Foundation Trust

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North East London NHS FT


North East London required an Agency Direct Employment (ADE) and efficiency savings project to increase their ADE engagement and compliance to result in further savings and better agency provider management.


TempRE technology and Liaison Client Services support.