Search results for 'NHS VAT'

VATflow Success Story – High value consultancy project with a different approach
The Trust had a number of high value managed service contracts with many different suppliers, some of which had been in place for a number of years.
NHS could cash in £85million with the ‘bank first’ approach to locum recruitment.
Taking the temperature report shows annualised savings of £85 million by switching recruiting all locums to ‘bank’.
NHS workforce solution: Covid-19 testing to increase to decrease workforce absence
Group -NHS Procurement Conference and Excellence in Supply Awards- Midlands Region

NHS At Work: The latest rostering technology – Project and Agenda for Change update

Staffing is one of the big issues keeping NHS leaders awake at night – and it consumes two-thirds of trusts’ spending.
The HSJ has revealed a major u-turn in the planned operating model for procurement and the supply chain. NHS Supply Chain has announced that it will bring the management of all clinical procurement categories in-house by May 2023, with only non-clinical to remain outsourced.
New proposals aim to bring health and care together and build on pandemic innovations
The NHS isn’t broken, it’s very much alive and responsive but better workforce planning could improve outcomes for both patients and staff.
How agency direct employment could save NHS Scotland more than just a pretty penny by also recruiting and retaining temporary staff workers.
NHS Staff Survey reveals heartening rise in recommending CCGs as positive places to work
The recently-published NHS Staff Survey has revealed wide variances in how CCG staff feel about their places of work, with a staggering 95.5% of staff at South Tyneside CCG recommending it as a place to work — the highest score achieved across all types of NHS organisations.