Search results for 'Adult social care'

heathcare Partnership Network – South

healthcare Partnership Network – North

The Continuing healthcare pressure shift
The pressure to get Continuing healthcare back on track, whilst also observing financial plans has not eased – rather, it has shifted to ensuring that CHC funding is accurately allocated to meet individuals' needs. Liaison Care Managing Director, Phil Church, looks at this pressure shift...

Rightsizing Continuing healthcare in the NHS
Liaison Care Managing Partner, Phil Church, looks at the challenges for Continuing healthcare (CHC) in the NHS, and the importance of rightsizing CHC to reduce financial deficits...

Nursing Careers and Jobs Fair – London North

case study | Liaison care
Review of one-to-one care packages. Delivered.
Review reduces overspending and improves patient outcomes.
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case study | Liaison care
ics post | Liaison group
Upgrading the places delivering health and care
As ICSs launch across the NHS, it is likely that ICBs will take stock of estate management, with the aim of making buildings more user-friendly and appropriate to needs across places.
Blog, COVID-19, Homepage, Latest bl...
healthcare systems to undergo collaboration reviews
Blog, Care, COVID-19, Latest blog p...