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NHS At Work Demo
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Embracing Technological innovations to Enhance NHS Savings
Supporting the NHS is a journey of both reward and insight; helping trusts, health boards and systems to reduce agency spend, maximise savings, and prioritise patient safety.
U-Turn announced for NHS procurement process
The HSJ has revealed a major u-turn in the planned operating model for procurement and the supply chain. NHS Supply Chain has announced that it will bring the management of all clinical procurement categories in-house by May 2023, with only non-clinical to remain outsourced.
NHS At Work Rota & Roster
An integrated, and app-enabled, rota and roster solution designed and owned by the NHS, built to NHSei specifications with advanced technology, and available for all staff groups.
A look at September in the NHS
Business Development Director, Ed Leonardo, has been on the road recently. Here’s his look at September, as he travels the UK...
Bringing down the backlog: NHS Emeritus platform launched
NHS England has announced the launch of the NHS Emeritus pilot scheme, which is supported by Liaison Workforce technology.
NHS At Work Rostering – Agenda for Change Ready
NHS At Work Rostering – The story so far at UHCW
Our 2022/23 Taking the Temperature report is now available. Find it here, and read how based on our analysis, trusts across England could save up to £68m per year by switching agency shifts to bank shifts.